Iberian coverage

Staff selection in our branches

Gesgrup has a wide Iberian presence with more than 40 offices throughout Spain (including the islands) and Portugal to provide a fast, close and flexible response to our client. These offices are specialised in the search for, selection and training of professionals in accordance with the services we provide to our clients. Gesgrup has its own methodology to determine the optimal work and personal skills for the specific position to be filled. Our professional standards, as well as a rigorous analysis of the job and its candidates, guarantee that Gesgrup is your choice for outsourcing services.

1.Candidate recruitment

Multiple sources of recruitment

2.Evaluation of candidates

Interviews and specific tests

3.Selection of the best profiles

Individualised reports

4.Hiring and labour management

Multiple sources of recruitment

Guarantee and quality of service

Peak workload management

We act with agility and flexibility to cover hiring peaks and analyse whether we should adapt the size of the teams when production decreases.

Staff training

Gesgrup has implemented a system to ensure that all staff have the necessary skills to carry out their activities, as well as a welcome and training plan to ensure that new recruits have the necessary knowledge about the client, operations, facilities and supervisory relationships.

Turnover and absenteeism

To control turnover, we use a flexible compensation system that guarantees remuneration based on employee productivity, with the aim of maintaining a workforce committed to the company. 

To control absenteeism, we regulate the paid leave to which the employee is entitled, always with prior notice and subsequent justification to reduce the usual absences that exist in this type of services.

Ad-hoc management tools

Gesgrup’s Operations Team works with ad-hoc tools for the management, control, supervision and analysis of service levels in the development of the activity. These tools contribute to the achievement of the productivity objectives set and to reaching the required quality levels for each of the processes.

Lean Management

Gesgrup’s Engineering Department accompanies the operations department in the continuous improvement of its clients, establishing short, medium and long term objectives.


Continuous improvement

Continuous improvement of processes and results is the permanent objective of the organisation.


Support in the definition of minimum stocks

Implementation of systems with defined locations within the warehouse.


Multi-purpose matrix

Monitoring of people’s development by reviewing skill levels by task and a polyvalence matrix to keep track.


Measuring results

Bidirectional feedback to define and evaluate KPI’s and objectives to facilitate decision making.


Flexibility, productivity and customisation

Our dedication to our clients allows us to work ad-hoc for them, providing greater flexibility in business processes and better productivity in results.


Technical review of the Lay Out

Technical studies of the lay out of the client’s warehouse with improvements that impact on the quality and efficiency of the service.



Implementation of order, organisation and cleanliness audits. 


Identification of possible Poka-Yokes


Gesgrup develops active information panels, through which the client visualises each of the KPI’s and associated service level agreements. Specifically, Gesgrup proposes the following dynamic panel:

  • View of actual vs target productivity.
  • Relative importance of operations.
  • Volume trends and history.
  • Comparison by day of the week.
  • Filters by activity, sub-activity and task.
  • Filter by year, month, day, day of the week.
  • Monitoring of KPI’s. 
  • Productivity and time spent per worker.

Dedicated service manager and operations manager

Single point of contact:

personalised attention and advice

Service control:

plan, control and optimise

Executive capacity:

Complete autonomy for decision making

Focus on results:

100% linked to objectives

Cost competitiveness

Own collective bargaining agreement.

This allows us to increase flexibility in the hiring and management of staff, greater versatility in employee functions and more competitive labour costs in today’s market.

Special Employment Centre.

In order to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labour market and help companies comply with the General Disability Law (LGD), Gesgrup has the collaboration of the Special Employment Centre of Grupo Constant registered in the autonomous community of Catalonia.


Quality assurance.

Gesgrup’s work processes maintain the highest quality standards and are ISO9001 and UNE15830 certified.

We care about the environment.

Total commitment to the reduction of chemicals, single-use plastic products and paper consumption. In all our services we use environmentally friendly materials.

Iberian Presence. Balearic and Canary Islands included

Discover our interactive map!

Constant Group Central Offices

Barcelona: Avinguda Diagonal, 523, Edificio Atalaya, Planta 21

Madrid: C/ Alfonso Gómez, 42C / C.P 28037

Lisboa: Rua Manuel de Jesus Coelho, nº4, 4º Andar, 1150-220

National Offices

Alicante / Barcelona / Ibiza / Las Palmas / Madrid

Málaga / Murcia / Palma de Mallorca / Sevilla

Tarragona / Tenerife / Valencia / Zaragoza